Setting up Your Home Classroom

One of the most important responsibilities of a parent/learning coach is setting up the environment at home that the student will learn in each day:  the "Home Classroom".

  • First, try to choose an area of the home where there are few distractions.  High distraction areas might be right next to the door, television, laundry room, or bathroom.  An area that is quiet and has the least traffic by the rest of the family is the best choice.  Keep in mind that your student will have their camera on and their microphone on.

  • A learning surface, or desk, along with some storage space, gives students a work area and helps to keep them organized.  This could be a dining room table, two filing cabinets placed together, or a table or other desk.

  • Do not schedule events during the school day.  A student learns best when there are no distractions.  Learning while in a vehicle traveling somewhere, or at another appointment or location, distracts the student and makes it difficult for them to focus.  Plan other events and traveling once the student's school day is over.

  • The teacher and other school staff are happy to help with advice on setting up the best possible learning environment for your child.