About Us
Vision - Nash Everywhere Digital Academy transcends traditional
educational environments by providing flexible, high-quality learning
experiences to empower a community of leaders.
Mission - Our Students, Learning Coaches, and Staff collaborate to create
quality educational experiences that ENGAGE ALL in meaningful and
relevant instruction.
Core Values
Empowerment: When we elevate others to succeed, we all win.
Achievement: We inspire each other to create our best work and achieve
our maximum potential.Social Responsibility: We are committed to building an encouraging, caring
and supportive community.
Growth: We value mutual success through a culture of innovation and
continuous improvement that inspires academic, social, and emotional
growth.Embracing Diversity: We engage fearlessly in recognizing different views and
experiences are an advantage.Equity: We respect and value people of all backgrounds and embrace
equal access to opportunity for every person. Together we can create a
more equitable world.

Mr. Kelvin Shackleford
About Us