Sixth Grade
Mrs. Shadia Freeman-Beale
Hello! My name is Shadia Freeman-Beale and I teach Math. I enjoy spending time with my family and shopping! I graduated from North Carolina A&T State University. This is my fifth year teaching overall, and my fourth year teaching with NEDA. With a passion for education and a commitment to your success, I am here to guide, support, and inspire you every step of the way. I look forward to an awesome school year!

Sixth Grade
English Language Arts
Mrs. Megan Sparks
Welcome to NEDA! My name is Megan Sparks and this will be my 7th year teaching. My fourth year with NEDA. I graduated from East Tennessee State University. I have taught both Social Studies and English. I thoroughly enjoy both subjects and I am looking forward to being your English teacher this year. When I am not working I enjoy spending time with my husband, daughters and fur-son.
Sixth Grade
Social Studies
Mr. Jay Phillips
My name is Jay Phillips, and this is my 4th year teaching—my first year at NEDA. I graduated from East Carolina University with a degree in History and my teaching certification. I have previously taught high school U.S. History and was also the head wrestling and tennis coach. When I’m not teaching, I enjoy working outside and spending time with my wife and kids. I like cutting grass and doing yard work. I also strongly believe that Golden Corral is the greatest restaurant of all time.